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The Single Cask Diamond Selected by Baba au rhum (Athens) 2011 9yr 60,8%

RX18686 Very good Single Cask 316 bottles

The "Selected by Baba au rhum (Athens)" was produced in Guyana at the Diamond distillery. It was selected and bottled by the independent bottler The Single Cask. It was distilled in 2011 from Molasses and then aged for 9 years. The rum is bottled at cask strength and has an ABV of 60,8%. This is a limited release and there are only 316 bottles.

2 community members rated this rum with an average of 8.2/10. The rum smells like Caramel, Barrel and Varnish, and on the palate there is Caramel, Tropical fruit and Banana.

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How does this rum taste?

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Caramel Barrel Varnish Banana Overripe Dried fruit


Caramel Tropical fruit Banana Dark chocolate Burnt Malt


Caramel Barrel Coffee Astringent Tannins Malt

Community reviews

8.2/102 ratings
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“Dégustation rhum et chocolat du Rum Club Switzerland. Un nez assez vif avec du vieux bois de chêne et du vieux vernis. Un nez de vieille cave et de la banane sur-mûre. L’entrée de bouche, vive, est aussitôt tempérée par le caramel amer, un côté chocolat et les fruits. La finale est moyennement longue, les arômes disparaissent assez vite. Il ne reste en bouche qu’un goût de caramel et de vieux bois. Le verre vide révèle de la vanille et un côté fumé. Tout y est à égalité et donne une impression d’équilibre qui manque un peu en bouche. Un beau rhum, à mon goût trop marqué par le caramel et manquant un peu d’équilibre.”


Caramel Barrel Varnish Banana Overripe


Caramel Tropical fruit Banana Dark chocolate

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What are the key facts about this rum?

Cask number
Made from
9 years
No. of bottles
Bottle volume
Type of spirit

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About the Diamond distillery

The Diamond distillery is located in Guyana. Rums from Diamond have been reviewed 2,954 times with an average of 8.3/10.

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